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Nova Scotia

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Halifax/Dartmouth, NS     Thu, 8/29      81200-81450 (250 mi)

Campsite in Saint John Looking back at Saint John Stowed for the ride to Digby

Woke up at 6:30, packed up in record time, and actually made the 8:00 ferry. Three hour ride to Digby, then began making my way around the south coast. Approaching Digby Had a nice lunch at Rudder's BP in Yarmouth (formerly The Queen Molly). Got a speeding ticket along rte 3 by a very friendly cop. Uneventful ride the rest of the way to Halifax (although I did have a nice conversation with a young RCMP officer at a gas station). In Halifax I found the Propeller BP, but couldn't park and it wasn't the best neighborhood, so I pressed on to Rogue's Roost BP (propeller was more of an African Café anyway). Rogues Roost was great and I met several nice people, including John and his girlfriend Sue and their friend Bronwyn. John invited me to spend the night on his couch, so after stopping at another bar in Dartmouth, I spent the night at his house.
Digby The Road to Halifax The Road to Halifax

Halifax/Dartmouth, NS     Fri, 8/30      81450-81506 (56 mi)

Sue and Bronwyn Yours Truly Slept in late, had lunch at the Maritime Brewery in Dartmouth (actually Brewdebakers restaurant and Sleemans commercial brewery), then took Sue for a nice ride up past Fletcher's Lake on Waverly rd. Hit the Granite Brewery in Halifax on the way back - a very nice Pub in an old historic building. Got back to John's place and then went out to his friend's house past Preston for a bonfire party. Then we went back to the Attic in Halifax to see the Heelwalkers, a loud Rock 'n Roll band. Got back to John's pretty late to crash.
At the Backyard Bonfire At the Backyard Bonfire The Heelwalkers at the Attic

Antigonish, NS     Sat, 8/31      81506-81674 (168 mi)

The Eastern Shore

Daryl and Sharon in their Pop-up Our Campsite in Antigonish Woke up slowly, packed up, and headed out around noon. Beautiful long ride up the Eastern Shore. Met up with Daryl and Sharon on their Harley (with trailer) around Liscomb. They followed me to Goshen for some coffee (no campground to be found), and then on to Antigonish, where we shared a nice campsite. Cooked chili and MREs for dinner and had a nice fire before sacking out.
The Eastern Shore

North Sydney, NS     Sun, 9/1      81674-81889 (215 mi)

St. Peter's Gym View from Lunch Daryl and Sharon headed out early to do the Cabot Trail, leaving their pop-up trailer behind. I got packed up at a more leisurely pace and headed on toward Cape Breton Island. Stopped at a very nice little gym in St. Peters for a great workout, then had a nice lunch before heading on toward Sydney.
Northern Nova Scotia

Northern Nova Scotia

Turned off and went to Louisbourg. Worked my way up to the fortress where I bumped (literally) into Darly and Sharon! They had diverted off Cabot Trail and went the way I did instead, along the Marconi Trail. Talked to a 70-year old guy Louisbourg Fortress on a Gold Wing with sidecar and trailer before heading back to Louisbourg where Daryl, Sharon, and I had a lobster dinner with salad bar. Split with them to take the coast road past Main-a-Dieu and Glace Bay (the town with NO roadsigns) before beating it up north to North Sydney. Passed the ferry dock and found a campground about 3 miles away. A beautiful yellow lab pup adopted me and chased the light from my flashlight around for hours. He was still there every time I got up that night.
Gold Wing Rig Northern Nova Scotia My Adopted Yellow Lab

This Page Last Updated: 10/02
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