Welcome to Motorcycle Tours

   The Bikes

Major Rides
   Toronto 10/08
   The South 5/07
   Sturgis 8/04
   NE / Maritimes 8/02
   Sturgis 8/00
   Oregon 7/00
   W. Canada 8/99

   ECS 8/06
   Cascades 6/06
   Daytona 3/06
   Daytona 3/05

Weekend Rides
   New York 11/01
   Alvarado 9/00
   Taos 6/00
   Aspen 6/00
   Moab 5/00
   Engineer Pass 6/99

Day Rides
   Harper's Ferry 3/2/01
   Westcliffe 5/00
   Tarryall 7/98
   Shepherdstown 4/01

Me and my Riding Buddy, Boyd

This site is dedicated to providing Routes, Descriptions, and Pictures of many of the tours I've taken on my motorcycles. I have now ridden my Bike in 49 US States (still missing Alaska) and 10 Canadian Provinces.

Click on the menu items to the left to view specific trips. I welcome feedback, so please let me know who you are and what you think by sending e-mail to the address below.

Only 8 States to Go!

Out West on the Tiger On the Viking Trail in Newfoundland Cruising from Virginia to Sturgis

Note: Almost all pictures on this site can be enlarged by clicking on them. This will open a new window to display the enlargement. Close the window to return. If you view a subsequent enlargement without closing the initial window, you will need to bring the initial window to the foreground manually to see the enlargement.

Also note that I have cut down the resolution of the pictures significantly due to space and speed considerations, so if you would like a full resolution copy of a picture, please let me know.

Riding with Boyd Boyd the Biker

                 Click Here to see the Video!
(and please be patient!)

This Site Last Updated: 11/08 (5/22)
Contact me at: rf6gunz@yahoo.com
Copyright © 2005, Rick Fletcher
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