Western Canada Journal - Page 4

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Mt. Ranier    Mon. 8/23      8918-9141 (223 mi.)

Leaving Victoria Got up, packed up, and drove to Victoria to get the 10:20 ferry to Port Angeles. Got there about noon and drove for about 2 hours round trip to Hurricane Ridge for a beautiful view of the olympic mountains and a ranger talk about how they were formed by glaciers. Continued on to Kingston to visit Mona from 3:30 till about 5:30. Had a very nice visit, but we wanted to get past Seattle/Tacoma before dark. Made our way south-east to Enumclaw for a brief dinner/gas before continuing on to The Dallas campground north-east of mt. Ranier, where we arrived about 9:00 (well after dark). They wouldn't sell us any wood, so we scavenged for some and had a fire for about 1 ½ hours.

Olympic Mountains Olympic Mountains Port Angeles from Hurricane Ridge

Mt. St. Helens (Portland)    Tue. 8/24      9141-9381 (240 mi.)

Twisties at Mt. St. Helens Leaning through the forest Woke up at 9:45 and set a new record packing up (0:45). Headed south through the forest to Mt. Ranier, but didn't drive up. Continued to Packard for breakfast and then on to Mt. St. Helens. What a ride! Beautiful twisties on good pavement. Top of Mt. St. Helens (windy ride) was very impressive - complete devastation still very apparent from 1980. Picked up Ward on his BMW and continued blasting the twisties at high speed all the way to Carson. Darryl and our 'Escort', Wade THEN we discovered Ward was an Oregon Motorcycle cop. I guess they like fast twisties off duty too! Had a coke before splitting with Darryl and heading to Portland (behind!) Ward. Got to Phil's about 8:00 for a nice dinner with Phil, Angelika, Tilman, Sebastian, and his kids Jasper and Roxanne.

Scenes from Mt. St. Helens Scenes from Mt. St. Helens Scenes from Mt. St. Helens

More Pictures from Mt. St. Helens

This Page Last Updated: 10/24/00
Contact me at: rf6gunz@yahoo.com
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