USA Pennsylvania
Thunder in the Cascades '06

June 30 - July 2, 2006.    

The "Thunder in the Cascades" Rally took place at the County Fairgrounds near New Castle, Pa. just north of Pittsburg on the Ohio border. I took Boyd and the camper, expecting to have to dry camp, but I was able to park near an electical outlet! The rally was a lot of fun, even though it was somewhat disorganized. There were many good bands, some decent vendors, and some interesting rides around the area. Since it was a closed venue (over 21 only), they were able to serve free beer throughout the event from a large truck with many taps in the side!

There was also significantly more nudity walking around than other events I have attended. In fact, the Wet T-Shirt contest was pretty much out of control. Not only did the T-shirts disappear within seconds of water hitting them, but all other clothing disappeared rapidly as well, and the contest seemed focused on who could display themselves in the most raunchy way possible.

Main Stage Early Audience Evening Band

The Advantages of a Female Band! Sing along with the Bouncing Boobies Ladies Enjoying Themselves

North Country Brewing in Slippery Rock Wine Tour Riding Companions Doug and Sue Slippery Rock University

Nice Bikinis! (?) Boyd Making Friends Boyd Making Friends

Riding the Bull Deja Voodoo Preparing for the Jello Wrestling Waiting to see the Jello

Getting ready for the T-Shirt Contest Wet T-Shirt Contest getting Out-of-Hand Where are the T-Shirts, anyway?

Ozone Rangers (ZZ Top Band) You can Lick her Pussy for $5 Or do a Pussy-Jello Shot Instead Not sure where this has been!

This Page Last Updated: 3/06
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