          by Kim Morrow

Additional Info




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Tomorrows Design Provides the following Services:

Kim RV Services:

Woman's Cut ------------------ $20 - $30

Men's Cut ---------------------- $15 - $20

Other Services by request

Salon Services:

Woman's Cut ------------------ $48

Men's Cut ---------------------- $25

Woman's Color --------------- $67 and up

Full Hilight -------------------- $120

Half Hilight --------------------- $90

Relaxer ------------------------ $100 and up

Japanese Straightner ----- $110 per hour

Perms --------------------------- $85 and up

Updo ---------------------------- $75 and up

Also available for Weddings and other special occasions

Kim with Bride-to-be Kim assisting Wedding Party

This Page Last Updated: January 2011
Contact me at:
Copyright © 2011, Kim Morrow
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