USA Virginia Maryland Pennsylvania New York
Canada Ontario
Toronto    October 10 - 19, 2008.     1500 miles

Daily Journal
   Journal 1
   Journal 2
   Journal 3

Toronto, Ontario     Fri. 10/17      20 mi

Ken's first Ride Took Ken for his first motorcycle ride in 80 years! The last time he rode, the police drove him home on a motorcyle when he ran away at 3 years of age. Went to "The Granite Brewery" to taste some beer and have lunch. Bad news - they wouldn't fill any growlers but their own. After I got over this annoyance we had some lunch and a few more beers (which were good). Natalie and I then headed over to "Seduction" to check out Toronto's idea of an adult store, where Natalie made a few interesting purchases. Granite Brewery What? You won't fill my Growler? Finally headed off to the CN Tower to meet Ken. Besides Niagara, this was the only "touristy" place visited during the trip. It was definitely well worth the effort to get there. Watched the sun set and looked for the green flash but it was too hazy. Toronto is a beautiful city and it was also very cool to watch the airplanes take off and land at the Toronto City Centre Airport, which you can only get to by ferry. Headed back to Danny's and got stuff organized for the trip back before going to the store with Danny. We had salad, corn, spuds (Danny's term) and steaks on the grill. I would have to say that was the best dinner that I had the entire trip! While dinner was cooking we watched Charles Bronson in "Chato's Land" - an old movie that Ken really enjoyed. Toronto Skyline

The CN Tower Interesting Elevator Ride! What a View! Sunset over Lake Ontario Watching the Planes Land

Ellicottville, NY     Sat. 10/18      155 mi

Rick, Ken, Danny, and Sol Rick, and Ken with the Ladies Ken, Danny, and Sol Started back to VA around 11:30am - said my goodbyes and took pics. It was cold but we were pretty layered up. Crossed back into the US at Buffalo and amazingly enough it took only about 3 minutes, contrary to what everyone had been telling me. On to Pearl Street Grille & Brewery in Buffalo. What a cool place! It looked like it was imported from New Orleans. All of the beers were great and it ranked in the top 3 places we visited. Carmen, the bartender, was just awesome and was actually looking to relocate to Manassas. Heading out of Toronto In spite of Carmen's best efforts though I didn't get to buy a pint glass - they were all sold out. So I bought a button-up shirt instead (which actually came in handy during the trip the next day). Had Buffalo Wings (of course!) and a salad and again wished I had more time to spend here because it was such a great place. We met Phil Internicola, the head brewer, and talked "brewing". A funny thing happened while I was there. Four women and one guy all dressed in orange shirts came in on some sort of scavenger hunt. They all had to get on one barstool and take a picture. Then one of the girls said "I have to find an elderly man to spank me" and she began eyeing a really old guy at a table. So I said: "I'm elderly and I'll spank you", so she climbed across my lap. I gave her 3 good whacks and while she's saying "ouch", they take a picture, and out the door they go. I asked the guy next to me, "so I'm elderly?" to which he said "I can't Pearl Street Brewery in Buffalo Carmen was Awesome! Caution!  Men Brewing! wait until I'm elderly"! It was hilarious to watch and it's too bad I don't have that photo! The lure of the San Diego/Buffalo game the next day was strong but we decided to keep heading south. Next stop, Ellicottville Brewing Company in Ellicottville NY. Enter Number 3 on the top 3 list! This is a little town that is known for skiing. It took a few minutes to find the brew pub, but once there we enjoyed tasting more really good beers, including Pantius Droppus, whose name, at 11 1/2% alcohol, needs no explanation. I even managed to do a little shopping since everything (but the hotel) was in walking distance. We met three young couples from Buffalo who were very nice and the guys were very It sure felt like I needed my Skiis! I got Nailed with a Pop-gun! interested in home brewing. They really enjoyed chatting about riding and beer and whatever. We met a few other couples while sitting at the corner of the bar being tended by the bartender, Topper. Had dinner there which was very good - the peanut soup was delicious. I also had an awesome open-face Pastrami Rueben. Stayed at "The Kelly House Ski Lodge", so I felt right at home. Kelly checked us in and I fell fast asleep by midnight. The weather by now was getting colder.

Herndon, Va.     Sun. 10/19      323 mi

Frost! It was even colder that this looks! Woke up to FROST and 29 degrees! Got up and was ready to roll by 8am (We were trying to make it back to Jimmy's for the Buffalo - San Diego Game, but that clearly was a pipe-dream!) but once outside I determined it was just too cold to start. Frost covered the whole bike and my fingers were numb from just packing up. Had some coffee and watched a movie while waiting for it to warm up. Talked to a German/American guy that was traveling with his friend and a very funny black woman from Columbus (or was it Cincinnati?). She told me I was very brave, traveling in this weather on a motorcycle. Finally took off around 10 or so and made it to Finn's Family Restaurant in Wilcox PA for a big breakfast and some heat. While there I talked to a fellow biker who owned a Valkyrie. Still cold but managed to warm up enough to take off. I realized it was getting colder the farther south I went because I was climbing in elevation. Basically just stayed on the road, stopping for gas, until arriving in Herndon around 6:30pm, where Jon had a great Shepherd's Pie waiting!

This Page Last Updated: Nov. 2008
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